ARTICLE: Anna Bogatin in The Philadelphia Inquirer
October 22, 2015 - Edith Newhall
Anna Bogatin's second solo show with Larry Becker Contemporary Art reveals her as a more confident, mature artist, unafraid to push her paintings to the limit, something any contemporary painter given to painting stripes and repetitive marks would have to do. Bogatin is clearly aware of the parallels between her efforts and those of earlier stripe and mark makers such as Agnes Martin and Edda Renouf, and she carries out each of her paintings with a similar obsessiveness and conviction. But she differentiates herself by her laborious, slightly imperfect paint application on canvas that gives the effect from a distance of a woven fabric, and by her unexpected, often bold, color combinations. Bogatin's Stronger, from 2015, with its eye-popping composition of vertical stripes of all widths and contrasting colors (pale violet, orange, burnt sienna, among others) aligns her more with Gene Davis and Bridget Riley, but is distinctly hers.
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