
News: REVIEW: Theresa Chong in the NY Times , October 12, 2001 - Ken Johnson

REVIEW: Theresa Chong in the NY Times

October 12, 2001 - Ken Johnson

In Theresa Chong's ravishing paintings, you can see evidence of her conservatory-trained musicality...

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News: REVIEW: Margo Sawyer in Sculpture Magnazine, July  1, 2001 - Kate Bonansinga

REVIEW: Margo Sawyer in Sculpture Magnazine

July 1, 2001 - Kate Bonansinga

Ephemerality of the moment, a conversation with Margo Sawyer...

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News: ARTICLE: Casey Williams in the Texas Observer, July  7, 2000 - Saundra Goldman

ARTICLE: Casey Williams in the Texas Observer

July 7, 2000 - Saundra Goldman

Escaping the Galleria - The Ship Photos of Casey Williams...

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News: REVIEW: Theresa Chong in Art in America 2000, April  1, 2000 - Jonathan Goodman

REVIEW: Theresa Chong in Art in America 2000

April 1, 2000 - Jonathan Goodman

Music remains an inspiration-born, New York-based artist Theresa Chong, who studied the cello...

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News: REVIEW: David Row in Artnews, January  1, 2000 - Hilarie M. Sheets

REVIEW: David Row in Artnews

January 1, 2000 - Hilarie M. Sheets

David Row's signature oval forms broke deliriously loose in this elegant and animated show...

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News: REVIEW: Matthew Cusick "Diamonds are Forever", March 26, 1999 - Ken Johnson

REVIEW: Matthew Cusick "Diamonds are Forever"

March 26, 1999 - Ken Johnson

Sometimes the fine line separating the abhorrent and the attractive breaks down. That's what makes Matthew Cusick's paintings interesting.

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News: REVIEW: Jackie Tileston in Art in America, May  1, 1998 - Frances Colpitt

REVIEW: Jackie Tileston in Art in America

May 1, 1998 - Frances Colpitt

Jackie Tileston's exhibition included six large new paintings and five charcoal drawings...

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News: REVIEW: Continuous Model - The paintings of David Row in Art Journal, January  1, 1998 - David Carrier

REVIEW: Continuous Model - The paintings of David Row in Art Journal

January 1, 1998 - David Carrier

...David Row is a comparatively fashionable painter. Justly so, for he is terrific. What U.S.-born man of his generation (MFA '74) is better at extending the traditions of abstract expressionism...

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ARTICLE: In the studio with David Row

June 1, 1997 - Alfred Mac Adam

"I am endlessly fascinated by paintng, whether it's hanging in a museum, or hanging out of someone's trash," says David Row...

News: REVIEW: David Row in Art in America, 1994, December 31, 1969 - Richard Kalina

REVIEW: David Row in Art in America, 1994

December 31, 1969 - Richard Kalina

David Row's new paintings mark a significant departure for him. The open, multi-panel paintings of his last show...

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