
News: ESSAY: Ana Esteve Llorens - Room Art, Espai XXI, June 15, 2013 - Alvaro de los Angeles

ESSAY: Ana Esteve Llorens - Room Art, Espai XXI

June 15, 2013 - Alvaro de los Angeles

Concepts such as nomadism and sedentariness have an intimate link with space, be it natural, transformed or built. One is no longer a nomad as one used to be a traveller. Both concepts represent ways of understanding life that today can barely be simulated, even by covering one's eyes and ears to avoid seeing and hearing the hum of the things happening, vertiginously, around us. Working with sculpture cannot be the same as it was to travel as a traveler or a nomad. However, it seems that space may well be the same distressed and dispersed concept that can be bounded and manipulated, designed and planned, and never owned. Because it is really space which places us and gives us the measure of things. To work with space is also to extensively think about time, that elusive concept that marks our journeys and our stays...

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News: REVIEW: Dion Johnson in Artweek L.A., June 12, 2013 - Bill Bush

REVIEW: Dion Johnson in Artweek L.A.

June 12, 2013 - Bill Bush

In the tradition of Karl Benjamin and Lorser Feitelson, and their interest in the environment and the landscape, Johnson uses color to evoke the contemporary, urban, digitial and natural landscape of southern California...

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News: ARTICLE: A Plethora of Prints, June  1, 2013 - Dana Mattice

ARTICLE: A Plethora of Prints

June 1, 2013 - Dana Mattice

PRINT TX will feature the work of contemporary Texan printmakers...

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News: CATALOGUE RELEASE: David Aylsworth at Holly Johnson Gallery, May 19, 2013 - Jonathan A. Molina-Garcia

CATALOGUE RELEASE: David Aylsworth at Holly Johnson Gallery

May 19, 2013 - Jonathan A. Molina-Garcia

32 page fully illustrated exhibition catalogue published on the occasion of "David Aylsworth: Five, Six, Seven, Eight" from May 18 - August 10, 2013. Includes an essay by Jonathan A. Molina Garcia.

Available at the gallery and on Blurb.

News: PRESS RELEASE: David Aylsworth - Five, Six, Seven, Eight, May 18, 2013 - Holly Johnson Gallery

PRESS RELEASE: David Aylsworth - Five, Six, Seven, Eight

May 18, 2013 - Holly Johnson Gallery

Pinks, yellows and whites dominate this group of recent oil on canvas paintings, which continue to reference, in both title and optical display, the gaiety of Broadway numbers and choreographed performances between stage actors.

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News: REVIEW: Sharon Louden in Modern Dallas, May  1, 2013 - Todd Camplin

REVIEW: Sharon Louden in Modern Dallas

May 1, 2013 - Todd Camplin

When minimal sensibilities meet abstract figuration, they give birth to works like Sharon Louden’s paintings. Perfectly titled, “Simple Strokes,” this show is like viewing an empty room with a crowd of people outside. However, a few unusual pieces of sculpture and one video shake up the grouping of paintings...

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News: PRESS RELEASE: Sharon Louden at Holly Johnson Gallery, April  6, 2013

PRESS RELEASE: Sharon Louden at Holly Johnson Gallery

April 6, 2013

We are pleased to announce the opening of Sharon Louden: Simple Strokes, an exhibition of recent painting, sculpture and animation by the celebrated New York artist...

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News: REVIEW: Geoff Hippenstiel in Arts + Culture Magazine, March 15, 2013 - Devin Britt-Darby

REVIEW: Geoff Hippenstiel in Arts + Culture Magazine

March 15, 2013 - Devin Britt-Darby

Much has been made – by me as well as others – of the way Houston artist Geoff Hippenstiel moves between figuration and abstraction in paintings that combine over-the-top impasto with metallic silver or gold spray paint. In his second solo outing at Devin Borden Gallery, Hippenstiel turns that movement into a five-part narrative on the progression of a dark yet colorful portrait of a human skull into a gold, abstract monochrome – with the caveat that each “installment” of the story is itself a finished painting...

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News: ARTICLE: The unspoken art of UH's Gael Stack, March  1, 2013 - Monica Byars

ARTICLE: The unspoken art of UH's Gael Stack

March 1, 2013 - Monica Byars

Feminist Art Movement pioneer Stack has taught in the School of Art for 40 years...

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News: CATALOGUE RELEASE: Theresa Chong at Holly Johnson Gallery, February 24, 2013 - Mark Harris

CATALOGUE RELEASE: Theresa Chong at Holly Johnson Gallery

February 24, 2013 - Mark Harris

28 page fully illustrated exhibition catalogue published on the occasion of "Theresa Chong: Drawings" from February 23 - May 11, 2013 at Holly Johnson Gallery. Includes an essay by Mark Harris.  

Available at the gallery and on Blurb.