
News: REVIEW: David Aylsworth in Art in America, April  1, 2009 - Charles Dee Mitchell

REVIEW: David Aylsworth in Art in America

April 1, 2009 - Charles Dee Mitchell

Cole Porter first posed the question in 1938...

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News: REVIEW: Joan Winter in Sculpture Magazine, April  1, 2009 - Charissa Terranova

REVIEW: Joan Winter in Sculpture Magazine

April 1, 2009 - Charissa Terranova

Joan Winter makes provocative work that seems more complex than it is...

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News: ARTICLE: Virgil Grotfeldt in the Brooklyn Rail, April  1, 2009 - Stephanie Buhmann

ARTICLE: Virgil Grotfeldt in the Brooklyn Rail

April 1, 2009 - Stephanie Buhmann

Grotfeldt was a prolific artist, who, over the course of four decades, created an oeuvre unique in its take on biomorphic abstraction. While he was never identified with any particular movement, his work was based on, as he put it, “a love of gesture as voice...” 

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News: REVIEW: Todd Chilton in Newcity Art, January 19, 2009

REVIEW: Todd Chilton in Newcity Art

January 19, 2009

Todd Chilton’s paintings offer a broken geometry rendered in a handmade manner...

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News: PRESS RELEASE: John Adelman: Up to...Half, January 13, 2009 - Holly Johnson Gallery

PRESS RELEASE: John Adelman: Up to...Half

January 13, 2009 - Holly Johnson Gallery

Adelman is an artist who plays by the rules. In September of 2008, Hurricane Ike devastated Galveston and Houston and ruined the artist’s dictionary (The Unabridged Encyclopedic Webster’s Dictionary of 1989).

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REVIEW: Matt Rich in Art Papers

January 1, 2009 - Evan J. Garza

Much of the attractiveness of implied dimension on a flat surface lies in its power to make us believe depth truly exists...

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News: REVIEW: Jackie Tileston in Artforum - Best of 2008, December  1, 2008 - Michael Odom

REVIEW: Jackie Tileston in Artforum - Best of 2008

December 1, 2008 - Michael Odom

Jackie Tileston layers images expressed in a pluralized vocabulary...

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News: ARTICLE: Gael Stack in Modern Luxury Magazine, December  1, 2008 - Tim Moloney

ARTICLE: Gael Stack in Modern Luxury Magazine

December 1, 2008 - Tim Moloney

Stack's rich paintings, at Moody Gallery now, echo the unsaid...

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News: ARTICLE: Joan Winter in Modern Luxury Dallas, December  1, 2008 - Steve Carter

ARTICLE: Joan Winter in Modern Luxury Dallas

December 1, 2008 - Steve Carter

"Nature has it all," Dallas artist Joan Winter tells me as we tour her Dallas studio...

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News: REVIEW: Virgil Grotfeldt in ARTnews, December  1, 2008 - Patricia Covo Johnson

REVIEW: Virgil Grotfeldt in ARTnews

December 1, 2008 - Patricia Covo Johnson

Using carbon as his pigment, Virgil Grotfeldt makes sinuous, mystical paintings that evoke aquatic life and botanical specimans..

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